Owltini cape

Made: Months ago

My two daughters love the cartoon PJ Masks, about three superhero kids who fight crime in the night, to save the day. They're particularly big fans of Owlette:

She has a pretty cool cape. My eldest has the dress-up costume, with the cape to match. This one:

But my youngest is too little for even the smallest dress-up costumes on sale. But, as is the way with younger siblings - she had to have the same as her sister. Though with an Owlette already in the family, we couldn't have another. So we have Owltini, Owlette's side-kick. And Owltini needs her own cape.

Owlette's cape has a basic bird's feather pattern, of red and pink. It looks simple, but I decided to go with majority red, with some small feather shapes at the bottom. The main fabric a thin red cotton, the feather a pink satin. Mainly chosen because they were the fabrics I had to hand. In retrospect, I wouldn't have gone for the cotton, it ended up so creased all the time.

So this is it, in use:


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